Monthly Archives: May 2014

Fresh Florals

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Walking along some of the quaint little streets in Heritage Markham Village, I was inspired by the bright and vibrant spring colors lining the walkways and gardens. Pinks, corals, and neon yellows found in fresh garden blooms really make a home pop on the outside and create great curb appeal. These lovely bright colors are sure to attract any passing eye.

Why not bring some of these colors inside your home as well?! Arranging some fresh flowers for your kitchen counter or bedroom side table not only makes your home smell like a spring garden, but brings life, color and cheerfulness into your home.

I really like to incorporate some floral decorative accent pillows or a floral print on my wall to bring the outside in! A quick trip to any home decor retailer can provide you with many different color fabrics and floral prints, (my pillows pictured are from Indigo).

So go bright or go home!!! It’s a foolproof way to lighten up your life when those dull rainy blues try to get you down 😉

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